SST NET is an ordering system of a Swedish mobile operator. It is an extensive administration panel through which SST Sellers can create orders, place contracts and monitor sales activity. Additionally, it has a report section implemented to help numerous sales departments track the orders and statistics.
It is a secure, very-stable and scalable step-by-step web portal for registering new customers and activate their services via 3rd-party API.
The CIO of SST NET company came to us with a goal to create an outstanding internal sales management system.
Our challenge was to create a multi-functional tool through which hundreds of sellers could perform the following activities:
As sales department of the company had a complex structure, the sales management system had to include 7 user roles with 8 access level and separate available functionality.
SST NET needed an internal system for sales information exchange like internal news, announcements, scoreboards, reports, and archive. It also has a button to directly access ordering system for Salesmen with the low access level, and the “Admin panel” button for users with admin level.
The idea was at the concept stage, so we had to develop the solution architecture, technical requirements, and functionalities description. Depending on the user-right the functionality for every user would change.
As the system was a corporate solution, security had a high priority. So, for security reasons the site can be entered only with SSL certificate given by the higher access level users. Users with higher level are able to block access they gave in case of anything.
SST Net is a rather huge system with users all around the country. For sales management purpose we’ve created the admin panel (“SST NET Registrera”) which has all the functionalities SST NET needed for sales management. Set of available functionalities is determined by the user’s role permission. The full set of functionalities is the following:
Salesmen have the lowest access level and because of that can not log into the admin panel. To create a new order they have to enter the Sales Portal and there click on the “Registrera” button. For that, they would also need to have the SST certificate installed on their computers and to enter the Seller Code with each entry.
For internal information exchange, we’ve created SST Sales Portal. Here Sellers see the news feed, scoreboard with their results and the names of Top Sellers. Some documents exchange is happening here as well. It’s a kind of a simple social network for the SST Net sales management staff.
From the idea that our client had brought us as a general concept we have created a complex system that is now used all across Sweden by the SST Holding. We maintain the system and periodically add new features to it. SST NET services cover a large part of the Swedish population, meaning that a large number of people use their mobile services, and we have helped them organize and contain all their clients and order information.
After the SST Net team started using the system their records became more organized, they received the opportunity to easily track the success and progress of their departments and also determine what products sell better, sales teams became more motivated to take the lead in the scoreboard. It sufficiently simplified the ordering process and made possible to create an individual approach to every client.