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Telemedicine App Development Company

Streamline patient care, appointments, and workflows with CodeIT telemedicine app development services.

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    • video consultation
    • ehr/emr integration
    • appointment scheduling
    • remote monitoring
    • secure messaging
    • patient portal

    Telemedicine app development services

    Revolutionize healthcare services delivery by implementing cutting-edge technologies. The CodeIT team has expertise in telemedicine app development, delivering solutions for distinctive purposes.

    Provide comprehensive healthcare services to patients via smartphones or tablets. Enable on-the-go access to the functionality, like appointment scheduling, medication reminders, teleconsultations, symptom recording, etc.

    • Appointment scheduling
    • Symptom checking
    • Medication management

    Offer the opportunity for patients to check information and submit data without interaction with medical staff. Patient portals enhance engagement and improve healthcare services by providing easy access to important health information.

    • Test results access
    • Prescription refill requests
    • Secure messaging

    Enable virtual consultation using a custom-built system with a unique feature set for facilitating telemedicine sessions. Teleconsultation platforms comprise file sharing, medical record access, chatting, and other features.

    • Video consultation apps
    • Virtual follow-ups
    • EHR integration

    Enhance the performance of medical staff and improve user experience with online check-ins. It reduces the wait time and streamlines administrative processes at healthcare facilities.

    • Pre-visit questionnaires
    • Queue management
    • Insurance verification

    Create a secure telemedicine app with a data-sharing pipeline to fetch lab reports automatically. Lab integrations comprises electronic data interchange (EDI) and EHR integration.

    • Electronic lab orders
    • Automated results delivery
    • Patient notifications

    Implement Artificial Intelligence technology to create chatbots capable of guiding patients, providing clinical support, and performing actions upon their  requests.

    • Appointment scheduling
    • Symptom checkers
    • Virtual assistance

    Automatically collect patient health data from external sources and store it. Apply advanced data analysis algorithms to identify possible health issues that need immediate response. Gain insights into patient health through continuous metrics monitoring, reducing the need for in-person screening. 

    • Blood pressure monitoring
    • Wearable ECG monitoring
    • Glucose monitoring

    Create a network of Internet of Things (IoT) devices to monitor and control smart devices remotely. These devices include wearables, smart medical devices, HVAC monitoring and control tools. They help enhance the ability to monitor and manage patient health via the Internet.

    • Wearable fitness trackers
    • Smart thermometers
    • HVAC controllers

    Enable data synchronization between your EHR/EMR and custom healthcare solutions with telemedicine software development. Gain access to comprehensive and up-to-date patient information, improving the quality and coordination of care.

    • Health information exchange (HIE)
    • Integrated lab results
    • Patient data update

    Create middleware for exchanging medical data between systems that use diverse data formats, making applications work together. Medical data interoperability solutions help avoid using isolated software and manual data import/export.

    • API Integration
    • Data mapping
    • HL7 FHIR

    Enrich the functionality of your existing software by integrating the telehealth functionality. Telemedicine integration includes video consultations and secure messaging into a single platform.

    • Scheduling integration
    • Communication tools integration
    • EHR integration

    Develop a solution for integrating wearables into a healthcare system. Enable the automatic collection and analysis of health data. Continuous data monitoring helps detect issues early and severe health changes.

    • Fitness trackers integration
    • Wearable ECG monitors
    • Smartwatch data integration

    Revolutionize patient care with a telemedicine platform

    Business First
    Code Next
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      Features for custom telemedicine solutions

      Craft a custom telemedicine system with distinctive features that streamline your workflows with our telemedicine app development company.

      Registration and profile creation

      Enable the opportunity for patients to seamlessly sign up for an application and submit their personal information or import health data from a third-party system. Offer the opportunity to sign up using diverse methods, inducing social media accounts, email, and phone numbers.

      Appointment scheduling

      Create a single and easy-to-use system that allows patients to search for available healthcare specialists, check their profiles, and pick available time slots. The advanced functionality includes waitlist management, automatic reminders, and appointment reschedule/cancelation.

      Video consultation

      Make video/audio calls and live chatting available using smartphones and desktops. Integrate additional functionality to facilitate remote patient screening. Integrate with electronic health records (EHR) and ensure compliance with telehealth regulations by developing secure and encrypted connections.

      Notifications and reminders

      Reduce the no-visit rates by creating a system that monitors patients’ appointments and sends reminders automatically. Keep patients notified about crucial events, including test results, medication intake reminders, health tips, hospital news and updates, etc.

      Secure messaging

      Develop encrypted messaging to ensure your patients’ sensitive medical data remains secure in transit and at rest. Opt for telemedicine software development to implement security measures for any kind of data transferred, including documents, images, text, and even live video during one-on-one sessions.

      Survey tools

      Collect patient feedback to measure the satisfaction rate. Compose custom questionnaires and share them with defined patients, patient groups, etc. Implement the functionality for telemedicine service users to rate their digital screening sessions and submit comments.

      Prescription management

      Implement the e-prescription functionality, providing patients with access to their current prescriptions, dosage instructions, and refill schedules. Send electronic messages to medical dispensing units and automated prescription refill order submission and approval.

      Symptom checker

      Create a platform capable of guiding patients in analyzing symptoms and defining possible health issues. The pre-screening self-assessment helps optimize the performance of healthcare specialists empowering patients to make informed decisions about their health.

      Telehealth device integration

      Make informed and data-baked decisions by connecting telehealth solutions with wearable devices and home health equipment. It also allows patients to actively participate in their health management by providing them with insights into their health metrics.

      Health monitoring

      Visualize patient data to help healthcare specialists quickly identify severe health changes or negative trends. The health monitoring dashboards aggregate medical data from various sources, including telehealth devices, EHRs, and self-reported information. The layout of a dashboard can be customized as needed.

      Health insights

      Apply custom data analysis algorithms to patients’ medical records and other data. Receive actionable insights on diet, exercises, sleep, and stress management, etc. Implement AI/ML algorithms to provide personalized health recommendations, risk assessments, and wellness tips.

      Medication reminders

      Help patients meticulously follow their treatment plans. Create personalized medication intake schedules and set automated reminders. Also, keep patients informed about the need to submit medication refill requests and pick their medicine.

      Payment processing

      Speed up payment collection by implementing online payment functionality, allowing patients to pay for the healthcare services provided in any convenient way. Patients can view and manage bills, set up payment plans, and receive receipts for completed transactions.

      Health education

      Create a knowledge base to educate patients about their health and get useful information about symptoms without consulting a doctor. Implement AI to create a chatbot capable of analyzing patient questions and providing answers using the data from your knowledge base.

      Insurance verification

      Automating the insurance verification process reduces the administrative burden. The feature comprises integration with insurance databases and an automated patient eligibility check. This feature enhances the efficiency of healthcare operations and improves patient satisfaction.

      Billing and invoicing

      Develop a digital system that facilitates remote healthcare management of finances and automates bothersome operations. The feature enables patients to view and manage their invoices through the app, set up payment plans, and track their payment history.

      Documentation management

      Support healthcare professionals and administrative staff in your clinic by developing a resource library and a document management system; hence, users can rapidly find the instruction they need to perform daily tasks, read about best practices, and grasp new skills.

      Patient support chat

      Offer immediate support for patients in an emergency through a live chat or implement automated AI chatbots capable of running multiple sessions with diverse patients 24/7. The implementation of live chats helps reduce the need for phone calls or in-person visits.


      Over 78% of U.S. healthcare providers have integrated telemedicine solutions into their practices.

      Advanced technologies we implement

      Our telemedicine app development solutions leverage cutting-edge technologies to deliver unparalleled healthcare services. The most demanded technologies we implement include the following.



      Analyze large amounts of medical data to gain insights and detect hidden patterns. Also, the technology foresees the opportunity to analyze medical images, providing clinical decision support.
      Develop AI-driven chatbots that help patients analyze symptoms and automatically take actions by understanding their intent and requests.

      • Predictive analytics
      • Medical imaging
      • Natural language processing
      cloud-computing (1)


      Develop a robust, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your telehealth software solutions. The cloud-based infrastructure enables clinics to make their software available via the Internet from any location.
      Cloud-based healthcare solutions facilitate seamless integration and interoperability between different healthcare systems.

      • Scalable computing resources
      • Data backup and recovery
      • Online-based application

      Big data

      Collect and transform large amounts of unstructured data generated in healthcare, comprising patient records, clinical data, imaging data, genomics, and more.
      Implement advanced big data analysis algorithms to deliver personalized health insights and enable the opportunity to run continuous medical data monitoring with our telemedicine software development.

      • Clinical decision support
      • Health data analysis
      • Data summarization and visualization


      Create a custom system that collects real-time data from interconnected medical devices, wearables, sensors, and more with telemedicine app development services.
      Monitor the patients’ health in real time and get alerts if severe changes are detected. The use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices helps implement alert systems for emergencies.

      • Remote patient monitoring
      • Emergency alert systems
      • Wearable health trackers

      Choose features for your telemedicine app

      Business First
      Code Next
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        Telemedicine solutions for healthcare professionals

        Opt for tailor-made telemedicine app development to get a custom telehealth system that meets the unique needs of various healthcare providers.

        Extend the reach and optimize healthcare services by enabling the virtual consultation and screening option. Moreover, telemedicine app development helps reduce administrative burdens and optimize expenses.

        • Remote consultations
        • EHR integration
        • E-prescriptions

        Facilitate check-ups, chronic disease management, and preventive care by developing a custom telehealth solution. Run online consultations, helping patients to save the commute and waiting time spent on routine healthcare activities.

        • Virtual consultations
        • Remote patient monitoring
        • Online wellness programs

        Provide instant and remote access to healthcare services for individuals or groups of patients. Enable remote therapy sessions, counseling, and mental health monitoring. Also, run questionnaires and set automated reminders for patients.

        • Virtual therapy sessions
        • Mental health apps
        • Questionnaires and reminders

        Deliver innovations in the telehealth industry by implementing your ideas. Elicit business need, analyze the market, and create Digital health transformation solutions, comprising distinctive features for virtual healthcare providers and patients.

        • Custom web/mobile app
        • Specialized telehealth software
        • SaaS telemedicine platforms

        Enhance senior patient care and optimize remote health monitoring. Help patients manage chronic conditions, reducing hospital visits. Also, implement automated emergency alerts that are issued by IoT devices.

        • Remote health monitoring 
        • Regular telehealth consultations
        • Emergency alerts

        Benefits of custom telemedicine software

        Develop a custom telemedicine platform that seamlessly integrates with your existing workflows and optimizes patient care delivery.



        Build a custom telemedicine platform that is perfectly adjusted to your clinic’s operations. Provide your staff and patients with all the functionality they need available in a single platform.

        • Software customization
        • Specific functionality
        • User-friendly interface


        Develop new features and integrate them as needed to avoid vendor lock-in. Easily upgrade your infrastructure to support the growing customer base.

        • New feature integration
        • No vendor lock-in
        • Adaptability and scalability


        Integrate the new telemedicine software with your existing system. Implement data mapping middleware and synchronize all the information across new and legacy software.

        • Legacy software integration
        • Middleware development
        • Data synchronization

        Telemedicine app development for different platforms

        Build secure & scalable telehealth platforms tailored to the exclusive needs of your clinic, enabling the best user experience.


        Web applications

        Develop a browser-based platform that can be accessed via any computer with Internet access. Our telehealth app development company has expertise in creating progressive web apps (PWAs) that update the content in live time without the need for users to click the refresh button in their browsers. Hence, they instantly receive updates and get top-tier user experience.


        Mobile apps

        Opt for the mHealth app development service to get telemedicine applications that work on iOS and Android platforms. Healthcare mobile apps enable on-the-go access to remote screening and online doctor consultation. The CodeIT team builds native, cross-platform, and hybrid apps for smartphones and tablets, depending on the needs and requirements of each client.


        Desktop software

        Create a telemedicine solution to be installed on Windows, macOS, and Linux desktops in your healthcare organization, offering a stable and secure environment for delivering digital health services. Desktop applications can be launched offline or utilized only with a local connection between computers.

        Diverse partnership opportunities

        Maximize your project’s potential with the flexible collaboration models offered by our telemedicine app development company. Select the one that aligns seamlessly with your business objectives.


        Staff augmentation

        Augment your on-site team with the necessary expertise. 

        Create a highly effective medical app development team and maintain complete control over all processes.

        • Quick talent allocation
        • Aligned tech skills 
        • Adaptable team structure

        Full scale model

        Opt for telemedicine app development to create a hassle-free custom solution.

        CodeIT has a team of skilled experts, access to the top tools, and industry expertise to develop tailor-made software.

        • Best tools and resources
        • Business-first approach
        • Complete client involvement

        CodeIT — trusted telemedicine app developer

        The adherence to robust values helps our telemedicine app development company consistently deliver outstanding solutions, prioritizing the needs of our customers.


        In-person meetings

        We are dedicated to running in-person meetings to understand business challenges and offer the best e-health solutions.


        Focused on success

        Our main focus is to ensure your custom telemedicine platform is built to fully meet all your remote care needs.


        Business synergy

        We focus on building strong partnerships with our clients to deliver top solutions through successful collaboration.


        Future-proof your practice with an advanced telemedicine platform

        Business First
        Code Next
        Let’s talk

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