share your expertise with community

Interested in sharing the knowledge with the community? CodeIT blog is open for new authors willing to spread the word about products, projects, and technologies related to areas of CodeIT expertise. We are always looking for new contributors to bring fresh ideas, research, and deliver articles that bring modern tech knowledge and ignite the interest of our readers.

What Articles We Are glad to Share with Our Readers

  • Any technology-related content of high quality
  • Tips and tricks regarded to: eHealth or medical technologies, eLearning, eCommerce technologies, FinTech, DevOps, or Machine Learning and AI
  • Technology reviews, news and innovation reviews
  • Lists of useful eHealth, eLearning, ML, fintech, and other solutions, apps, extensions, etc.

Who Our Readers Are

Visitors and readers of CodeIT blog are Technology experts, Managers, Software experts, CTOs, entrepreneurs and anyone else who wants to know more about technologies and tools. We’re also interested in issues around how and why technology is adopted and used, and the challenges different industry domains face.

How to Publish a Guest Post

Guest posts will be published in CodeIT blog under your name and can include links to your personal website or blog. All your personal links should be placed in a bio (2 links are allowed).

write us step 1
Step 1. Introduce yourself and show us your previous works
We need to be sure that your previous articles were well written and accepted by reputable websites. If you have your publication on spammy websites, we won't review your article. All your previous articles must have your authorship for identification.
write us step 2
Step 2. Check that you provide unique and detailed content
The average length of an article is between 1000 and 2000 words. Article should correspond to its title and deliver valuable content to our readers. Please don't send us articles which were previously posted on other resources.
write us step 3
Step 3. Check the grammar
We would appreciate it if you checked your grammar before submitting your article. We know that 'to err is human' but if your article is swarmed with mistakes we won't review it further.
write us step 4
Step 4. Structure the text, links and images
Please divide your article into paragraphs, and order it logically. It should contain headings, subheadings and numbered or unnumbered lists. For big-sized content, it should have 1 or 2 correlating images. The article should have at least 4 links to credible websites.


We have some requirements as to the articles we publish on our resource and kindly ask you to follow them when offering or writing an article:

write us step requirements
The technical level of the article should be at least 200, however in some cases, we may consider articles with a lower technical level
write us step requirements
An article should relate to areas of CodeIT expertise. If you have any other topics for the articles, we will readily consider them.

IMPORTANT NOTE: please pay attention to the fact that we don’t accept articles that are simply a promotional material for a product or a service. We respect our competition and colleagues, but do not serve as a promotional platform.

What extra benefits will you get as an author?

  • Promotion of your article in social networks and IT related resources
  • Help in editing, guiding and mentoring submissions in order to provide articles of consistent quality that people want to read

How To Submit Your Article

Please, send your offers and ideas to [email protected]
We are ready to welcome your post!