Our tech experts — Your management! Take a smart solution to 2023-year challenges!

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Two-Week Trial

Best solution — Zero risks! Try our services for two weeks without any payments.

No Upfront Payment

Start without unspoken conditions. Sign an NDA agreement, choose tech experts, and pay only when you decide to hire.

Flexible Commitment

No obligatory long-term cooperation commitment. A termination notice should be sent in 30 days.

You have a position - we have a solution!

Our wide technology expertise

Save from 40% to 70% of your budget

by opting for a cost-cutting alternative to in-house hiring

In-House Employees

  • Scouting and hiring expenses
  • Salary & bonuses compensation
  • Workstation establishment
  • Insurance coverage
  • Paid time off
  • Retirement contributions
  • Payroll taxes
In-house employees

Augmented Team Members

  • Free two-week trial
  • No upfront payments
  • Flexible commitment
  • Transparent cooperation
  • Broad tech expertise
  • Fast resources allocation
  • Team composition changes
In-house employees
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Simply draw resources you need and when you need them with CodeIT.

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Need to hire fast?

Missed deadlines?

 Short time to market?

Need to hire fast?

Missed deadlines?

 Short time to market?

Need to hire fast?

Missed deadlines?

 Short time to market?

Looking for tech talents?

Need to hire fast?

Missed deadlines?

 Short time to market?

Looking for tech talents?

Need to hire fast?

Missed deadlines?

 Short time to market?

Looking for tech talents?

Need to hire fast?

Missed deadlines?

 Short time to market?

with codeit you can get

With CodeIT, you will get

Adaptive Collaboration

Hire tech specialists to tackle certain tasks. Substitute contractors and change the composition of your remote team upon a need.

Quick Team Setup

On-the-bench specialists can be allocated to your project in 2-5 days.

The process of scouting and hiring new experts usually takes from 1 to 4 week

Complete Control

Don't compromise on control with remote team members. Monitor performance in different ways, depending on your project requirements.

Corporate Values Match

Build a high-performing team and develop a harmonious work environment by incorporating corporate values into the hiring process.

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Strengthen up your in-house team with additional experts!

Contact us


thanks to the ultimate involvement in the hiring process

CVs Screening

Access the pool of CodeIT’s team of 200+ skillful and experienced tech specialists. Review skills and professional experience to choose the top candidates.

Skills Assessment

You can conduct one-a-one interviews with selected candidates. Also, you can schedule tech interviews to verify the expertise of our team members.

Pro Scouting & Hiring

Pro Hiring

We thoroughly analyze project requirements to scout the right candidates. Senior CodeIT’s experts examine the tech skills of new candidates to select the best talents.

Trusted By

Ready to hire? Let's talk!

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Are there any upfront payments?
No. You don't need to make any upfront payments to draw new team members or request a free two-week trial.
What cooperation model do you support?
"Time and material" and "team augmentation" are the two cooperation models that we support. You need to compensate for the time spent by hired contractors only.
How does the free trial work?
Just hire without payments or other obligations. If you want to test a remote team for the first two weeks for free, inform our representatives when sharing your project requirements.
How do you keep my project confidential?
All contractors sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that obligates them to keep all information about your project confidential and not disclose it to third parties.

Also, we use a set of measures to prevent information leakage, including an encrypted connection and single sign-on (SSO) implementation.
Who holds the ownership of a product?
The statement of work (SOW) and master service agreement (MSA) that we sign define that all intellectual property and legal rights belong to a client when all the invoices are paid.